Tag: Metallica

10… No, 11 albums that I still have on my playlist

I hate challenges on Facebook.

You know the ones like: post this for however many days and blah blah blah…

Usually if I’m invited or nominated I just ignore them. I think they’re stupid.

But as opinionated as I can be, I can still have an open mind (I know, hard to believe), especially when it comes to……

“Don’t ever be ashamed of loving the strange things that make your weird little heart happy.”

 “Don’t ever be ashamed of loving the strange things that make your weird little heart happy.” ~Elizabeth Gilbert


It happened again the other day.

I stopped by the coffee shop. I was wearing my Kiss Hoodie as usual, one of my favorite items of clothing. An acquaintance of mine who just happened to be there asked me…….

To Fail or… is it really?

Excerpt from my iPhone.

As the adrenalin ebbs for a moment, I am writing this on my phone as I sit outside and try to gather my sanity. This is the first time in a week that I’ve actually had a chance to take a real honest to goodness, not sit at my desk monitoring the……