Happy New Year!
Monsters is here! I’m so excited. You’re gonna love it. I am busy doing promo right now, and making plans for the tour. It won’t be until Fall, but it’s gonna be cool. In the mean time you may just see me in the oddest places to get my feet wet. Keep your eyes open. Monsters are lurking in the most surprising places.Â
I invite you to go sample the album here (you can sample before you buy) Get some Monsters

And if you sign up for my newsletter, you’ll have a chance to win some cool Robin Brock Swag! Same goes when you join my street team.

On another note, I was really sad to hear of the death of Avenged Sevenfold’s drummer “The Rev”. I love those guys and I was anxiously awaiting their newest release. I don’t know what happened there.

He was an amazing drummer and singer, and to watch him sing with the power he had when he was drumming and the way he was doing it…you have to see it. It didn’t look comfortable, but he pulled it off. He’ll be missed, that’s for sure.

Oh, by the way, I’m in issue 116 of the UK Magazine Powerplay. Check it out!