I have read and reread this chapter I don’t know how many times. Then I typically skip forward in the book and avoid the exercises of Chapter 2 like a plague (I’m good at that) I know I’m overthinking it, but I think it needs a bit of time to percolate. I always have a hell of a time describing my music. The perception I have sometimes is quite different than reviewers. I’m torn I guess…I have fallen into the trap sounds like…Heart, Benatar, with a bit of Def Leppard…and although I loooove those groups, is that dating my music? Sure a certain demographic knows exactly who they are, but certain demographics say WHO?

That sucks…but that’s another topic altogether…I understand the pitch has to be one I love and can live with for a long time, and I think that’s part of the blockage, and yet I want to be clever and intelligent but when I try to think of something it ends up…overthought. I guess I’ll do what I usually do when I get stuck (although I’ve been stuck on this since last week…longer, really), I’ll leave it alone and let it manifest itself in whatever way it needs to…I’ll just give it a stir and prod every so often. Wish me luck…I’ll keep you filled in.